What’s happening here is that Migration Assistant has migrated all my apps, and has automatically launched any of them that are listed in Login Items or are set to automatically launch in the background. They all launch, all at once, and every single one of them then prompts me for permission to do all the things they already had permission to do on my previous Mac.
In this screen shot, I’ve dragged them apart, but in reality most of these windows appeared on top of each other. They float above every other window, and most of them want to open various portions of the Settings app. In the background, a few apps have launched with their own alert prompts, requesting that I perform more tasks in order to get the system ready.
You will be protected.
You mean like how this dang site makes me fill out a form every other time I post… even though I’m already authenticated.
So true. And spam still comes through on occasion. Anti-spam measures shouldn’t be used against long term accounts; it provides 0% protection against spam since none of us are spammers.
After the data breach, osnews outsourced to kinsta managed wordpress hosting to decrease in-house responsibilities and code maintenance overhead.
The trouble is that wordpress updates keep breaking things (spam settings, RSS links & dark theme, comment edit buttons). The customizations that osnews makes to wordpress likely requires custom support from kinsta at inflated prices to reapply the customization (I’m not privy to this, but it’s my guess as to what’s happening).
Oh good… so it’s not just me? Does it make you do a captcha too?
Every god damn time, honestly I’m getting to the point of not coming here anymore.
@alfman @colinstu @Marcus1991
I don’t do a lot of hands on maintenance anymore, but I was asked about the CAPTCHAs and honestly, I don’t know where they’re coming from. Can one of you email a screenshot of it to adam @ thisdomain .com. I will do my best to remove that obstacle.
Adam Scheinberg,
I don’t see “CAPTCHAs” in the literal sense, just a form asking for for info on nearly every login & comment.
Here is a screen shot.
Now that User Account Control is ported to macos, I can’t help but laugh at the irony whenever it comes up
“New Mac ad- ‘Security'”
UAC in vista was inspired by Mac, Mac had it in Tiger…
Also, the author just has a hate boner for Apple and it’s honestly annoying.
I’m not familiar with this. MacOS tiger used the same kinds of permission popups? Apple’s commercial doesn’t make sense to me if they had the same kinds of UAC popups.
I don’t know this author, but given that the author is a mac user it seems unlikely they have a “hate boner” for apple, probably just venting frustration over the permission popup spam.