“IEs4Linux is the simpler way to have Microsoft Internet Explorer running on Linux (or any OS running Wine). No clicks needed. No boring setup processes. No Wine complications. Just one easy script and you’ll get three IE versions to test your Sites. And it’s free and open source.” Very handy for web developers, it will allow you to test your websites without rebooting.
I often dreamed of some program that implemented the rendering engines of many browser/versions. As far as I know you can’t have more than one version of IE installed on Windows which means if I want to test against IE 5 (which I don’t) I have to have a second computer. Then I have to have a 3rd for Safari/IE Mac, then a 4th (or reboot) for Konq. As it stands I do IE6, Opera, FF, and Safari (have access to mac, but no ie mac).
Of course you can run multiple versions of IE side-by-side. Been around for years!
An Intel Mac running Linux with multiple Windows installlations on VMWare and Mac on Linux running Mac OS X would do just that you ask for!
If you really need it, I’ll happily e-mail you IE:Mac
Edited 2006-09-28 16:20
Yeah, but with VMWare you have to have 3 full size Windows installations, just to run the one program. This way sets up only the files you need to run the three versions of IE, and actually seems to do a better job than the methods that are available to run 3 versions of IE on Windows (probably because it uses three different base system file sets).
It would be nice though if you could configure one of the versions to be included in the main Wine system folder, so that you can install things that require IE to run more easily.
You can run stand alone versions of IE4, 5, 5.5 & 6 on one XP machine. http://browsers.evolt.org/?ie/32bit/standalone
It was meant as a comment on the initial posting by eggs, entitled ‘Thats a nice program.’….
And of course this is impractical, but is it worth modding down for that reason alone?
That’s true, but some features don’t work when you use that method, like certain activex controls (css filters) and conditional comments. In the IEs4Linux versions, those features work fine.
IEs4Linux has made my life much easier, being an Ubuntu user that does web development. Now I can check my sites in Firefox, Opera, Lynx, and IE on one box and scootch over to the the Mac to test in Safari.
Same here. Web-developing on Debian became much easier the day I discovered IEs4Linux!
It helped me resolving a 1px alignment issue on IE6 without rebooting, so I gotta thank the developer.
Tried myself once something similar, but not wanting to spend much time on that I gave up.
too cool
got my donation dollars ready!
You must have a valid windows license!
And it is just wine + scripts!
“And it’s free […]”
No, it is NOT free to use IE on non Win32 … a valid windows license cost money!
Edited 2006-09-28 17:55
You are right in bringing up the license story.
The story published here was also not my orininal submitted text, not that that matters but….
Anyway, i do not care about the license.
Its absurd that you need a FULL Windows license (80 euro) just to run their webbrowser 3 times a week wich they offer ?gratis? on their website.
Edited 2006-09-28 18:17
You improperly used the word just. I know that script took considerable effort to develop and get working correctly because I attempted to modify a previous version to do something obscure (never mind). But It was so involved that I gave up. We are all fortunate that the author didn’t give up.
Your other point is valid and worth noting. But fortunately or unfortunately, most of us haven’t been able to cut our ties to Windows as completely as we would like. Most people bought their PCs with Windows installed, so even if they promptly deleted it–they are still licensed. Many of the rest of us actually bought a copy of Windows to run in VMware, so we are licensed.
You’re not a Microsoft Police Officer are you?
You’re not a Microsoft Police Officer are you?
No, I have nothing to do with that company at all.
The word “just” is meant for “wine”, not for the scripts. The news “article” says nothing about the fact that this “methode”/project use Wine at all, but it is written in a way as it use an new unique “way”. That’s why i added the word “just”, to make clear that it is another solution based on the winehq project.
Currently, there are only three solution to execute win32 apps, either use windows,
“Wine” (or a distribution/fork of it) or ReactOS (which also use code of winehq).
You don’t need Windows to run IE.
You aer -dead- wrong:
Taken from the IE6 EULA:
“… You may install and use one (1) copy of the OS Components on each of your computers running validly licensed copies of the applicable OS Product, provided that you use such additional copies of such OS Components in accordance with the terms and conditions above. Microsoft retains all right, title and interest in and to the OS Components. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Microsoft. …”
Nuff’ said.
– Gilboa
As far as I know, you only need to have a license for any Windows version, be it even for 98..Most people have atleast one (legal, no pirates considered here) copy of Windows, and even if they haven’t touched it for the last 5 years, the license itself is still valid. And besides, as far as I know, you could just buy a second-hand 98 for 5e and have a license =) NOTE: I’m not a lawyer and I don’t know how these things work elsewhere, but in Finland it is completely legal to sell used copies of software, including Windows, and the new user is granted all the same rights and restrictions as if their copy of software was brand new.
I hate IE like every other sensible person, but I installed this last month because I’ve started doing some web development and I need to see how most people see sites. It’s not always convenient to boot up or get to a Windows machine or even to have Windows running in VMware. This fits the bill. It’s excellent!
I was concerned that it would mess up my Wine installation, which I depend on it for several Windows applications. But no–it’s completely separate. There is no cross contamination.
I think this is the start of a new trend. I think it is amazing how Google Picasa is setup with a localized version of wine and now this. Windows sucks but it does provide a fairly consistent framework for doing things. I think that we are going to see more and more localized and specific versions of wine.
Wine is only going to become more flexible with time because of work with things like ReactOS, and Picasa. I look forward to the day when I can take any Windows source that I can find and compile it for any given main-stream processor, and then localize the setup and then only use a subset of wine for what is necessary. Then I will be able to create an automated installer like Picasa. That would be great wouldn’t it?
Then we can replace every major program on the Gnome desktop with a free Wine equivalent. I’m telling you WineHQ is the next Microsoft. Fortunately they are playing nice right now, but just wait.
Then we can replace every major program on the Gnome desktop with a free Wine equivalent.
Err, what would the point be? Most Gnome programs are cross-platform, and they run at faster speed than any Windows software running on top of Wine. Oh, and Gnome programs have native look-and-feel, unlike Windows programs. Wine is, after all, just a translation layer for running Windows apps, and as such, any bugs and speed-issues affecting it affect any programs running on top of it.
Using ies4linux is one of my first step in configuring Wine for running Windows programs. It’s difficult to install IE, ADO, Jet and other Windows libraries and updates without the needed dependencies. IEs4Linux makes it simpler providing a lot more than IE.
Why would you want to use internet explorer?
Why would you want to use internet explorer?
Because 60-something percent of the people on the Web use IE — and, as a web designer, you want to make sure that your content displays properly on as many platforms as possible.
Will active-x work like on sites that are based off Internet Explorer like Msnbc & Microsoft???
If you lower your security settings so that acviveX runs, it could.
I’ve seen people reporting working activex controls with ies4linux
Yes, I use it for a stupid banking site that uses ActiveX for logon/authentication.
It’s an IE oriented website – the layout is broken in FF and Opera on my machine… (but I think that’s actually a ‘120dpi/large fonts’ issue in win, and 100dpi X setting in x.org)
What a pitty no Java support:(
Though, I’ve tried it and must say it is good to say the least…