VirtualAcorn today announced it was releasing a version of its RiscPC emulator for Apple PowerPC machines as part of a new beta testing scheme. According to their website, the publisher will release ‘a limited number of VirtualRPC-AdjustSA products suitable for use on G4 and G5 PowerPC Apple Macintosh computers’.
As a previous RISC OS user, I think its horribly over priced for G4 & G5 only. lb120 sucks! I’m sure the performance of this app won’t be half as good on Gx hardware as it would be on Intel.
It does come with the operating system. If you consider that Parallels + Windows Home Full would be around lb220, it’s not /that/ steep given how very north RISC OS hardware prices are.
lb99 would have been a much better price point IMO.
So whilst the Mac world is rapidly migrating to Intel, VRPC will be PPC-only?
Never let it be said that the RISC OS folks will be “bleeding edge”.
Some things run just fine under Rosetta. Emulating other platforms really isn’t one of them. There are only two words for VRPC’s situation: “dumb ass”.
(It’s not like they didn’t know the Intel migration was coming)
Edited 2007-05-18 23:28
Read comments in article – The Intel part is already done, and more mature than the PPC. They are asking people to test the PPC code which still needs work. Way to go shooting before looking.
I did read it. It stinks. Thanks for assuming I didn’t.
The Intel version isn’t available, so it’s irrelevant. The PPC version, which they say needs a lot of testing [and so can’t be considered a finished product by any means] costs lb120.
It actually doesn’t make a whole lot of sense whichever way around you look at it.
Sell the Intel version and make a time-limited PPC beta available? That would work.
Don’t release the apparently completely stable Intel version but sell the unfinished PPC version? Lunacy, especially when the transition to Intel was announced two years ago and kicked off only a few months later.
It would be nice if it was possible to run this under mac as “native” OS..
BTW, I had the chance to test a program called RPCemu (beta 1) under a Quicksilver G4@800Mhz.. it was terribly slow!
Edited 2007-05-19 05:37