JNode 0.2.6 has been released. “JNode is a free, open source Java technology based OS written fully in Java language (with a very small assembler nano-kernel). This release features over 99 percent java 6 api compatibility, hotswapping, nfs, hfs+, even more openJDK integration, jetty6 and of course bug fixes and improvements.”
IMHO, this is the most interesting hobby/experimental os this side of Microsfot’s Singularity. After all, should we be able to move beyond *nix? It is over 30 years old.
Are kind of interesting, both in theory and practice. No wonder you have so many projects revolving around these concepts.
Looking forward to see opensource developers succeed in all of their goals in these projects; results so far are promising.
Yeah, there are a lot of things going in their favor…
Integrated security model
Ability to sandbox apps
Component model
Strong typing
Reflection/Discovery of interfaces
Still, I wonder whether it will go beyond the hobby phase to actually being used. Looks promising.
Edited 2008-02-24 07:56 UTC
Honestly, I think a language like Scala, might be quite killer on this platform. At least for me, it’s one of the most exciting computer programming languages in a long time.
I’d be interested to see what they’re doing for the compilation/optimisation/runtime, mind you, in that arena, I’d want to leverage LLVM.