As an experiment, Kaj de Vos ported the recently released Genode OS framework to Syllable Server. It does not run on Syllable Desktop yet, as this requires some more deep porting work to the Syllable kernel. Genode is a modular operating system framework with several components that are largely complementary to Syllable. The Syllable project wants to explore the opportunities to integrate these into Syllable.
Kaj de Vos explains to OSAlert:
For example, the core component provides a true capabilities system for very high security and reliability. The Nitpicker windowing server is capable of displaying windows from multiple GUI systems on the same screen. If the Syllable AppServer were to be ported to it, for example it would be possible to run Syllable applications next to applications based on the upcoming Qt port to Nitpicker. Genode and a few demo programs will be included in the upcoming Syllable Server release.
the syllable server kernel is linux, in case you didn’t know.
is more interesting and when complete it will be a revolution. My only wish is Syllable turns to a ukernel.
Edited 2008-08-26 05:28 UTC