Vim 7.3 Released

This is a minor release of Vim. It consists of Vim 7.2 plus all patches, updated runtime files and some more, see below. It has been two years since the 7.2 release, thus it’s not that ‘minor’. But not ‘major’ either. Something in between, don’t know how to call that.”


  1. 2010-08-23 3:28 am
  2. 2010-08-23 3:39 am
  3. 2010-08-23 5:04 am
    • 2010-08-23 11:26 am
  4. 2010-08-23 5:28 am
  5. 2010-08-23 8:07 am
    • 2010-08-23 12:14 pm
      • 2010-08-24 10:49 pm
  6. 2010-08-23 9:15 am
  7. 2010-08-23 9:38 am
  8. 2010-08-23 5:35 pm
  9. 2010-08-23 8:01 pm
    • 2010-08-23 9:26 pm
    • 2010-08-24 4:40 am