In the description of this session of SXSW 2011: Voices From The HTML5 Trenches: Browser Wars IV, it says: “Every major browser vendor — Apple, Opera, IE, Chrome, and Firefox — will have a significant browser release by SxSW 2011.” IE team has confirmed it by an annouchment, now we can wait and see if IE9, Firefox 4, Chrome 10, Opera Mini 6 for Tablets and Safari (???) will be released all together.
Why the (???)?
Did you think they were talking about Opera Mini for … Safari?
You would be mistaken, because they are talking about the release of Opera Mini for tablets, and, Safari.
English can be confusing at times.
I assume it’s rather because we don’t know which version of Safari is going to be updated, whereas other browser manufacturers tend to have development blogs.
Edited 2011-02-18 16:39 UTC
That would be awesome to have the major players updated around the same time. A lot of work, too, to test each, but still, the state of the web is surely creeping forward.