Just in time for Christmas, one of the well known AtheOS developers, Kristian Van Der Vliet (‘Vanders’), released as a Christmas gift to the AtheOS community the first full scale native AtheOS application, the email client Mercury. We normally do not post on such application releases, but this app is indeed a major step for AtheOS. From Vanders and all of us here at OSAlert, Merry Christmas to all !
Well done Kristian! You gave me my only toy of the holiday season
See Eugenia, now we have a Email Client . Great Job Vanders!
I will download and install AtheOS as soon as they release a rewritten, not hard-coded desktop. I want that even more than an IDE driver.
Its not ‘they’ its he. I believe Kurt has said a rewrite of the desktop is next. The IDE driver will be ported by Ithamar of NewOS/OpenBeOS. He said a new version is coming out soon and he will port it. So I am scratching my work on my driver, I never made it very far anyways. I understand how it works on paper, just couldnt implement it right in the little time I had to code
The hard coded desktop… hahaha
What are the plans for Kurt and AtheOS ?
Is he gonna code some installer ala windows ?
Is he gonna make user-friendly or will it stay a geektoy, me being unable even to install it ?
I wish some day i can give it a try… heck i should write my drivers (how do you do that ???) ))
Good job anyway
Is it just me or does the window tab look like BeOS!!??
Looks kinda neat, though I adore my yellow tabs above all else :^)
You know, it really wouldn’t be that hard to patch the current desktop source to add some menus & dynamic icons. I’ve already done that once after all…hmmm
Of course there’s also Launcher
Anyway, thanks for the comments guys! I really didn’t think it would generate this much interest!
I would like to try AtheOS alot… although I think I will wait until a regular installer is available.
It seems like a nice OS to screw around in.
A “regular installer” may never come. Kurt is a single person working on the OS itself, and spending time on beautifying or make the installation ‘easier’ does not justify his time, when there is real OS work to be done in the kernel or the Gui subsystem (Kurt does not care to have a userbase really, he is just a coder who writes an OS for hobby, he won’t spend insane amounts of time for things like an ‘installer’). I think you should read the installation’s readme and go ahead with it. It is not too difficult to install AtheOS, especially if you already have a free partition for it, or you have installed Linux in the past.
There is a browser, email client, apache, ftp server hhhmmmmm this is getting better and better.
Kudos to Kristian!!!!!
Happy Holidays everyone
Actually, Kurt started an installer awhile back, but put it on hold for a while. It is really useless without cdrom support anyway. Once there is cdrom support, more than likely Kurt will start back on the installer.
I know AtheOS supports a large part of the posix standard, so do any of you think it is possible to port something like the debian apt stuff, or rpm, or some other package manager?
AtheOS has its own package method as explained http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=322“>in , it needs no other.
Way to go honey i’m really proud of u hugs MUM